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Brief Crash Course Descriptions

The courses listed will be offered virtually

 Students may enroll for enrichment; in depth feedback on their research and project goals; or they may subscribe for monthly instruction.

NOTE: To best cater to the participants' needs, there is limited enrollment in the live instruction.​


  • Worship and Social Justice -- Taking into account the current socio-political climate, believers, and seekers need music that equips them to face structural issues in every day life. This is a workshop purposed to introduce and re-orientate thinking around justice-minded worship leading that is takes into account the local and international socio-cultural climate. Using ethnomusicological tools, participants will examine the question: What does justice sound like in worship? A foundations course purposed to introduce, re-orientate thinking around justice-minded work leading; and learners develop a strong philosophy of justice-minded worship leading, planning, and engagement.

    • Course Duration: 3 hours

    • Supplies Provided: Workbook with syllabus, suggested reading and selected listening

    • Enrollment Fee: $225 or 1 monthly subscription credit **

    • Class Date: June 29th class. 

    • Format: Available for live and video instruction. 

    • Enrollment Deadline: June 27th  

    • Begin Enrollment NOW!

  • 10 Things You Need to Know To Talk About Music and Sound in Your Writing --Often, writers describe Black pop musics such as hip hop or jazz by relying on a text-based analysis, while neglecting the rich musical features that support their argument. Utilizing methods cultivated in the field of ethnomusicology, Dr. Jones will instruct participants on 10 basic tools required for analyzing music or sound in writings about music.

    • Course Duration: 3 hours

    • Supplies Provided: Workbook with syllabus, suggested reading and selected listening

    • Enrollment Fee: $225 or 1 monthly subscription credit **

    • Format: Available for live and video instruction. 

    • Begin Enrollment NOW!

  • Black Masculinity in Gospel Music: An Introduction -- One of the most popular and problematic tropes within gospel music performance is the "flamboyant choir director." Among gospel music insiders, this flamboyant choir figure is a stereotype of men whose performance draws attention to them due to their demonstrative gestures and feminine-coded stylistic choices. Some church leaders believe that this musical display of masculinity may be a deterrent to men who do not identify with the musicians' musical gender expression. Based upon Dr. Jones' research, she will facilitate an exploration of musical masculinity in Black religious life. She will answer the question posed by Lewis Gordon: "Can men worship?" 

    • ​Course Duration: 3 hours 

    • Supplies Provided: Workbook with syllabus, suggested reading and selected listening.

    • Enrollment Fee: $325 or 1 monthly subscription credit **

    • Format: Available for live instruction ONLY

    • Begin Enrollment NOW!

  • So You Want To Teach Gospel Music? -- Gospel music history and performance is very popular on many college campuses and in public arts education programs. Drawing from Dr. Jones' experience as a gospel music practitioner, we will talk about the basics of gospel music history, performance practice, and and repertoire development.

    • Course Duration: 3 hours 

    • Supplies Provided: Workbook with syllabus, suggested reading and selected listening.

    • Enrollment Fee:  $225 or 1 monthly subscription credit** 

    • Format: Available for live and video instruction. 

    • Begin Enrollment NOW!

  • Before Hip Hop: 19th Century Black Popular Music -- The musical features of 21st century hip hop, go-go music, and trap music, reside in a longstanding oral tradition that extends to the Caribbean islands and the continent of Africa. In addition, Black popular musicians' ties to the 19th century, rural, postbellum south are often overlooked when we talk about musical trends today. In this course, Dr. Jones will teach participants about 19th century musical styles such as calls, cries, and hollers. By the end of the course, students will be able to identify traces of these genres in music we hear today. 

    • ​Course Duration: 3 hours

    • Supplies Provided: Workbook with syllabus, suggested reading and selected listening.

    • Enrollment Fee: $225 or 1 monthly subscription credit**

    • Format: Available for live and video instruction.

    • Begin Enrollment NOW!

  • Turning Research and Faith into Innovation -- Research programs are now encouraging students to consider ways of monetizing their research interests by pursuing careers as consultants, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Likewise, faith leaders are learning that they must revisit their outreach initiatives so that their programming is sustainable. This course is rooted in Dr. Jones' award-winning experience as a faith-based, research consultant whose research informs her public sector work. By the end of the course, students will have a strategy for conveying the benefits of their unique skills to a broader market and draw clients who will patronize their services and goods. 

    • ​Course Duration: 3 hours. 

    • Supplies Provided: Workbook with syllabus, suggested reading and selected listening.

    • Enrollment Fee: $425 or 1 monthly subscription credit **

    • Format: Available for live instruction ONLY

    • Begin Enrollment NOW!

  • ** Black Music Research Monthly Subscription -- Dr. Jones will be releasing courses monthly to which you can subscribe.

    • Monthly Subscription: $99 a month with a twelve month minimum is required.


To enroll, please CLICK HERE.



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